York Press / MSN/Yahoo/Digital Journal
June 2023
North Yorkshire: Trio to walk 109 miles in five days for RNLI

Mail Online
June 2023
The best exercises to lose weight, as recommended by personal trainers -
What type of exercise is best for weight loss?
When it comes to working out, there are different kinds of exercises that are better for strengthening, toning and shifting weight. And, while all are equally important, if your goal is specifically to lose a few pounds, we want to help you get straight to the point.

Daily Express
May 2023
Duchess Sophie's tips for maintaining her trim figure including a '450-mile' exercise
Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh looks fantastic at the age of 58. But what diet tips and exercise routines does she follow?
Martin spoke to Express.co.uk to explain the diet that the Duchess likely follows.

How to exercise for better sleep, according to the experts
11 May 2023
How exercise and sleep are intrinsically linked – and why your 5am fitness grind might be doing more harm than good
Martin Sharp, fitness coach and award-winning personal trainer, agrees. “Sleep plays a pivotal role in so many functions, allowing your brain to be able to learn, store, sort, forget and consolidate information,” says Sharp. “From a fitness perspective, sleep also allows the body the opportunity to recover and prepare for the following day.”....
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Start Fresh In Feb: A New Approach To New Year’s Resolutions.
How To Make Your Health-Related Habits Stick
Feb 2023
Health, diet, and fitness were the number one things people in Britain wanted to improve, so we consulted two personal trainers who gave us reasons as to why people most commonly fail this resolution and tips on how to make it stick this year.
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Driffield & Wolds Weekly
Record-breaking snow sculptors
FEB 2023
Justin Scott, and sculpting partner Martin Sharp, a fitness coach from York, were up against sculptors from Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, France and the USA in the Kiruna International Snow Sculpture Competition.....
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Yahoo! Movies
North Yorkshire friends beat record in the Kiruna International Snow Sculpture Competition
Jan 2023
Fitness coach Martin Sharp, from York, and tree surgeon Justin Scott, from Driffield, competed against sculptors from across the world in the Kiruna International Snow Sculpture Competition, which is held 140km north of the Arctic Circle in the Swedish Lapland.
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Expert tips: How to make fitness a lasting habit and choose the right gym
Jan 2023
LiveFootballTickets.com spoke to Martin Sharp, a multi-award-winning personal trainer and health coach, to gain expert advice on choosing the right gym and forming a habit you’ll stick to.
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More Yorkshire
Jan 2023
Forget building a simple snowman, fitness coach Martin Sharp and tree surgeon Justin Scott have created an interactive sailing boat using snow in the Austrian Alps.
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December 2022
York sculptor to create giant boat out of snow in competition
Martin Sharp, a fitness coach and business consultant from York, and his friend Justin Scott, a tree surgeon, gardener, and trained sculptor from Driffield, will be creating a snow boat called ‘Unsinkable 2’, designed by Justin.
They will be creating the design at the 29th international snow sculpture competition, Shapes in White, in Silvretta Arena, Ischgl, Austria, from January 8 to 14, which sees sculptors from all over the world turning piles of snow into masterpieces.
Read THE YORK PRESS Article Online

The Express
Martin Sharp, a Multi-
He said: "Sophie, Countess of Wessex is well reported over the past decade for eating very healthily, including plant-based foods and lean protein and is also known for her culinary skills.
Read The Express Article Online

Woman & Home
How to work out in winter: 9 tips for staying motivated as the temperature drops
We also often underestimate our body's response to cold weather. For example, many people don't drink as much water in the winter, explains Martin Sharp(opens in new tab), a fitness and lifestyle coach. "Even though you may not sweat as much as in the summer months, you'll still experience fluid loss so remember to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated," he says.
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New Year challenges
Catch me if you can
Coach Martin Sharp (martinsharp.com) suggests a family running challenge. ‘You could keep it simple and see how many laps of the park you can all do. But if you want to make it more exciting you could enter a Color Run (colorrun.co.uk) or a Tough Mudder (toughmudder.co.uk) says Martin.
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FEM Houseofhives.com
Make Your Change Part of Your Highest Values
Sep 2022
You can't go to a personal development seminar, or open a book about leadership or something like that, without someone talking about principles, values, vision or mission statements.
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One Drop Movement
Do You Value Yourself Enough?
Sept 2022
Watch this interview and training with The Fit for Business, Fit for Life coach, Martin Sharp on Do You Value Yourself Enough?, which we recorded during the September 2022 RippleFEST Summit.
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Authority Magazine
Martin Sharp Of Sharp Fit For Life On The 5 Things You Need To Do To Achieve a Healthy Body Weight, And Keep It Permanently
Aug 2022
Mechanics — at the base of it, your body comes down to how much fuel you expend and how much you put in. If you are underweight you need to increase the fuel part of the equation, whereas if you are overweight you need to increase the movement part...
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Speakers index
👉 Martin "WHY Fat to Fit, Fast & Forever" |👉Live⭐Love❤️Laugh🙃Lives 2020👈| With Cheryl Chapman
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DogFriendly Magazine Issue 67
Martin Sharp, an award-winning coach and paddler, tells us everything there is to know about
this most pleasurable sport with your dog.
Women & Home
Benefits of not drinking alcohol: Does giving up alcohol for a month actually work?
Whether you’re considering Sober October or just looking to change your booze habits, there are so many benefits of not drinking alcohol - from getting rid of post-wine anxiety to improving your long-term brain health.
Martin Sharp was one of the experts contributing to this informative article
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Team HoneyVeda
Your body is constantly adapting to change
spoke to Martin Sharp, the founder of SHARP Fit and a business consultant, enterprise architect and strategic thinker. Martin combines the rare ability of relying on lots data and coming up with unusual insights.
Checkout the Article at Team HoneyVeda
The Telegraph
'After I couldn’t fit on a rollercoaster, I went on to lose almost 10 stone'
From Midlife Fitness Files: The Telegraph’s health series, where we glean advice from midlifers as they talk us through their weekly regime
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The York Press
York sculptor bids to create Eddie the Eagle out of 100 tonne pile of snow
TWO Yorkshire friends have set about the challenge of recreating Olympic legend Eddie the Eagle - out of a 100 tonne pile of snow.
Martin Sharp, 45, a business consultant and fitness coach from York....
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January 2022
Eddie the Eagle's Olympic jump recreated in a giant ice sculpture
Two British snow sculptors going for gold in an international contest have modelled their latest creation on ski jumper Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards.
Yorkshiremen Justin Scott, 50, and Martin Sharp, 45, have turned 100 tonnes of the white stuff into a tribute to the plucky Winter Olympian.
Read THE BBC Article Online